I am having trouble paying online for my booking. How can I make the payment?

Frequently Asked Questions

I am having trouble paying online for my booking. How can I make the payment?

Payment is taken in full at the time of booking through our website. We have a 3D secure payment system in place, which means when you book you need to submit your card password before the booking is confirmed. If the card payment is rejected you will need to contact your card issuer. If you are unable to remember your 3D secure password please select the option on the 3D secure password box ‘Forgotten password’ and your bank will give you the option to reset the password.
After a first failed payment attempt, you will receive an email with a link which you can use to try again at any time, without needing to start a new online booking from scratch.
You can also contact our Customer Service team to complete your payment via Live Chat or email.

Other Questions

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